Mountford Genealogy

Below are some Mountford family "highlights".

Mountford Longevity?

My grandmother Alice Cox (nee Mountford) and her sister Gladys certainly lived to a good age (well into their eighties) as have other members of the family. So I thought it would be interesting to compare all of my Mountford relatives (a representative sample of 97) against the statistical averages amongst the rest of my research.

The results are as follows...




Male 50.41       Male 54.36
Female 80.10       Female 57.98
Combined 57.83       Combined 55.46
So if you're a female Mountford you can probably look forward to the so called golden years!

Mow Cop and the North Staffordshire Mines

Many of the Mountfords settled in the village of Mow Cop and the Victorian census records indicate that many of them were employed as coal miners on the North Staffordshire coalfaces. Some members of the family were stone hewers, presumably working in the local stone quarry at Mow Cop where stone was produced for making of roads, millstones and supply to the pottery industry.

Three Generations on Motorbikes

Mountford family members on Motorbikes Mary Jane Phillips, Joan Cox, & Alice May Mountford (maiden names used), my great-grandmother, mother and grand-mother, on motorbikes!

Thomas Mountford

Thomas Mountford in Cheshire Regiment uniform
My great-grandfather Thomas Mountford had already served with the Cheshire Regiment in India (1903-1907) when he was called to re-join his regiment as part of the British Expeditionary Force in 1914. He was soon involved in the Battle of Mons in Flanders and France and was killed in action during the very first weeks of fighting in August 1914.

His service record indicates:

Service with the Colours: 10.12.03 to 24.8.14
Overseas Service: India 20.9.04 to 25.1.07
British Expeditionary Force France 14.8.14 to 24.8.14
Medals issued etc: 1914 Star; British War Medal; Victory Medal

He is mentioned in the book 'Soldiers Died in the Great War' as follows:

Born Congleton Cheshire
Enlisted Chester (Biddulph Staffs)
Killed in Action France and Flanders 24.8.14

On Enlistment he declared:
Age - 25 years 2 months
Trade: Fustian Cutter
Height: 5ft 7 ins
Complexion: Fresh
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown
Address: 74 John St Biddulph Staffordshire